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Are You Looking To Become An Affiliate Marketer In 2024? Well Before You Start On This Long Journey, Find Out If Affiliate Marketing Is Actually Suitable For You…

“Hi there…My name is Ibrahim and I have been doing many things within the internet marketing space for over 8 years now. I didn’t know what affiliate marketing is 8 years ago and if you asked me back then, affiliate marketing would actually be the LAST THING that I would do to earn a living but it’s crazy how destiny forced me into this new career path. I graduated with a bachelor’s of commerce degree in late 2007 and had multiple jobs but I couldn’t proceed with that because I was diagnosed with a rare eye disorder called “Retinitis Pigmentosa”. My eye sight was progressively deteriorating and I officially became LEGALLY BLIND by 2011. I applied to hundreds of jobs but sadly, no one was interested to hire a person with a disability. I moved on to searching for alternative ways to make money online and I tried a couple of things but failed miserably in everything I tried. I discovered affiliate marketing in 2016 and I never looked back ever since. My affiliate marketing journey was not easy and in fact, I had many of the “I QUIT” moments and almost gave up. I didn’t have any real GENUINE person by my side to guide me and most (but not all) information provided by these so called AFFILIATE MARKETING GURUS was misleading. I had to go through the entire learning cycle on my own and had to learn from my own mistakes. Therefore, I already know what new affiliates will go through and I want to save them all the efforts, trials, and errors. There are two important things that I learned through my online journey which made me do a slight change in my affiliate marketing strategy. The first thing is that affiliate commissions will never bring in a real income unless you’re an established blogger/influencer with a high number of followers. I know this might be shocking to many of you who habe been brain washed by the fake affiliate marketing gurus but it’s the sad truth. If you rely on affiliate commissions to make a living then you will be disappointed. The second thing I learned is that you must have your own website in order to achieve long term success. Relying on funnels and paid marketing campaigns will not lead to any brand/business/income growth in the long run. Therefore, I’ve created a free internet marketing guide that includes everything I’ve learned from the past and will teach the best strategy (from my experience) on how to do affiliate marketing in 2024. CLICK HERE TO LEARN HOW TO MAKE A WEBSITE THAT MAKES MONEY IN 6 STEPS!